Sunday 25 December 2011

Study Week

Assignment? huh, surely I had to do it in my SUPER DUPER holiday. Many students don't have the luxury of coming home and being able to do homework. SAME WITH ME! but with all the spirit that I get from my super mummy, super daddy and superbman, I will try my best to finish it before I go back to my hometown  panoramic collage. AND the best thing, 02/01/201120112011201120112012 is my first test. One thing I noticed was my head feeling heavy and my brain seemed to make my energy seem OFF. HAHA

Sunday 18 December 2011


Finally ! yeahhh. After heard Madam Ada advice, I already choose my topic. 
TENE NE NENG ! The topic is ABANDONED BABIES ! yeahh. BRAVO BRAVO. Prices rising? pehhh. surely I hate it. Domestic maids? Good topic but my ex-maid is a good worker. Let me describe few things about her. She is a beautiful, kind and very helpful person. Ohh! I can't thank her enough for her help. She's like a sister to me and always try to protet me. She can be trusted and also good partner :)
  I miss you bibik Nani.
 Where are you now? when I need you most (Justin Bieber
eh, back to topic. But, I don't know to talk about the effect of abandoned babies or why abandoned babies or how the abandoned babies occur or 
I should support the abandoned babies. HAHA. 
Tomorrow the outline must send. I got many point, and the evidence in the internet, newspapers. but.. just see what Madam Ada comments :)

Saturday 17 December 2011

#Churp Churp#

try try ! join this. you can earn rewards just CLICK HERE :) 

Wednesday 14 December 2011

cool assignment

Searching for current issue. NO WAY. 
I hate newspapers, I hate bulletin, I hate onlineeeeeeee :).
So , when I ask my housemate especially  
 they told me to search about 
 I felt that this work little hard :(. I try a little hard too, to sweep away my laziness, and WOW I think I like this job assignment.

 The advantages that I get :
  • Now I know the current issue :)
  • I can't stop to scold
  • I can't stop issuing harsh word. GRGGGGG~

Thanks too Madam Adawiyah for make me know that current issue is important. And now I can be a GOOD CITIZEN. HAHA

Saturday 3 December 2011

Assignment BEL311

We all need to search about the current issue. Choose any topic too discuss with Madam Ada and minimum three topic. Where should we get all this? Madam Ada said we can read newspapers, search the internet and if we want to get the proof better don't ask friends because it can be 'tokok tambah'.